Thursday, October 28, 2021
My memory is a journey of a man born and raised in Brooklyn who traveled into the world to see and do things. Sailing aboard Merchant Marine Vessels around the coast of Africa to Mozambique to hen to India where he saw a wedding. Then traveled for business around Europe when he worked on LORAN navigation equipment. Then through a series of jobs in aviation (entertainment systems for jet airliners, radar equipment for smaller airports). Along the way he got himself a motorcycle license, learned to sail a small sailboat, and then his pilot’s license. He then had a career as a manufacturer of scientific equipment, the surface analyzer. He made the device go from a 200 lbs floor model to a desktop model that technicians could calibrate, from a single sample model to a six sample model connected with a computer. Travel was also part of this stage of his life going to the Far East. His last trip to The Republic of Taiwan in his early 80’s. Along the way he was married to Marlene and had a family of three boys who had 4 grandchildren. He and Marlene lived in the first house they bought together for 50 years together, with Marlene living there another decade beyond him.