Visitation at Funeral Home

Obituary of Teobaldo J. Chavez
Teobaldo Jesus Chavez, age 96, passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Teo (Jesus) was born in Lima-Peru on July 1st, 1928. He was preceded in death by his parents Nicasio Chavez Bermudez and Dominga Olivos Lopez; his siblings Jose Gerardo Chavez Olivos, Lorenza Chavez Olivos, Pablo Asuncion Chavez Olivos, and Yolanda Hermenegilda Chavez Olivos; and his beloved wife Elizabeth Chavez.
He is survived by his daughter, Consuelo Chavez-Gomez; his son-in-law, Jose (Alex) Gomez; his grandsons, Sebastian, and Leonardo Gomez; his stepchildren, Delia Leon, Elisa Cueto, and Hugo Marco Polo Alfaro; and his sister Consuelo Regina Chavez Olivos.
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is the high school from which Teo graduated in Lima, Peru. He continued his education and earned a degree in chemical engineering from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru, in 1958. His hard labor and adventurous nature led him to immigrate to the United States in the mid-1960s, where he received his Master of Science and Education degree from City College in 1973. His retirement in 1996 was preceded by 27 years of teaching science and math at JHS 162 Lola Rodriguez de Tio in the Bronx.
The memory of Teo will be that of a devoted and affectionate father. He relished the opportunity to spend time with his family and friends. He was enthusiastic about life and lived it to the utmost extent. Teo's legacy of laughter, love, and cherished memories will be profoundly missed; he has left behind a wonderful legacy.